看這本書的書名,我就猜Tarran最後會變成The High King了,最後結果也的確是這樣,不過,過程真是有夠驚險、複雜、溫馨以及令人感傷,故事還沒演到2/3,Tarran的同伴就死的差不多了,作者真是殺人不留情啊~中間有一部份情勢真是糟到一個不行,當然也伴隨著幾段讓人熱淚盈眶的故事,真的好看!中間有好幾段我看了覺得好感動,年紀大了很容易感動,其中有一段故事是這樣的,Taran的同伴中有一個吟唱詩人,他有一把有魔力的琴,讓他能彈出優美的曲調,但同時,每次在他說大話的時候,琴弦就會斷掉,提醒他不要說大話,他非常珍愛這把琴,甚至在前幾集有次受重傷,他先關心的都是他的琴,不是他自己,所以在看到吟唱詩人為了同伴,把琴摔碎拿來當柴燒,然後還說了下面的一段話,真是要哭出來了呢~
“Don’t give it a second thought,” cried Fflewddur. “The truth of the matter is that I’m delighted to be rid of it. I could never really play the thing, and it was more a burden than anything else. Great Belin, I feel light as a feather without it. Believe me, I was never meant to be a bard in the first place, so all is for the best.”我想都沒想就這樣做了,事實上,我非常高興能夠甩掉這把琴,我從來都沒辦法真正的彈奏它,對我來說,背負這把琴比任何的負擔都沉重,喔~我現在就感覺輕鬆了許多。相信我,我從來都不覺得自己是一個真正的吟唱詩人,所以現在這樣做是最好的。
In the depths of the flame several harp strings split in two and a puff of sparks flew into the air.這時在火燄中幾根琴弦裂成兩段(每次吟唱詩人說謊,琴弦就會斷),彈到空氣中迸裂出一些火花。
“But it gives a foul smoke,” Fflewddur muttered, though the fire was burning clear and brilliant. “It makes my eyes water horribly.”不過這把琴燒出太多汙濁的煙,把我的眼睛燻的都是眼淚,吟唱詩人說。此時冒出的火花又大又亮。
這套書的封面是後來再版的時候,另外請人設計的,不是我說,畫的真好,前面幾本也都一樣,設計的真好!每次看到封面我都好想趕快找時間坐下來看它,這套書一共五本(不算後面另外出的一本小故事–哈利波特是學他的吧!),其中有兩本得到Newbery Medal,好像翻成美國兒童文學獎嗎?喔~我知道下一套故事書的目標要去哪裡找了,呵呵~
The Chronicles of Prydain — The Book of Three (1964)
The Chronicles of Prydain — The Black Cauldron (1965)
The Chronicles of Prydain — The Castle of Llyr (1966)
The Chronicles of Prydain — Taran Wanderer (1967)
The Chronicles of Prydain — The High King (1968)
The Foundling and Other Tales of Prydain