The Chronicles of Prydain — The Black Cauldron (1965)

by amypeng

很….很好看哩!你想想,這套作品是在1960年代寫的耶~距今將近50年哩!我覺得Harry Potter和Percy Jackson系列的作者一定都也是這套故事書的粉絲,在那時候故事裡就有了隱形術、作夢預知未來、黑魔法等,很有創造力,我覺得故事很好的地方,就是他不誇大主角的能力,我應該算有仔細在看,作者沒有說清楚男主角Taran的年紀,預測應該也是從12-13歲開始冒險的,Taran是個正直、勇敢的孩子,故事很可愛,把他的角色設定成Assistant Pig-Keeper(養豬管理員助理…….),我一開始看覺得怎麼會把男主角的職業設定的這麼低啊~後來想,你要一個沒有特殊身分背景的小男孩做什麼職業好呢?當然我知道,最後Taran一定會被發現是個某某王國的王子之類的~不過到第二集結束,Taran就以這個身份慢慢成長,寫的很好,而且很富教育意義喔~

Taran是個孤兒,他偶爾會對自己的身分和能力感到自卑,在故事裡,他得到了朋友送給他的神奇禮物,藉著它Taran變得有智慧,可以看清很多別人看不到、感覺不到的事,但故事中間,他為了達成任務,把禮物跟巫婆交換了邪惡的黑鍋,Taran知道自己做的是對的事,但也忍不住難過,這個時候女主角Eilonwy說了一段很有智慧的話”I realize it’s no consolation to you,” she said, “but if you look at it in one way, you didn’t give up a thing to the enchantresses, not really. You did exchange the clasp and everything that went along with it. But, don’t you see, all those things came from the clasp itself; they weren’t inside of you.我知道說什麼都沒辦法安慰你,但如果你用另外的角度看這件事,你會發現你雖然放棄了別針,和別針裡面包含的能力,但就只有這樣了,你沒有失去任何原本就屬於你內在的事物”I think,” she added, “it would have been much worse giving up a summer day. That’s part of you, I mean. I know I shouldn’t want to give up a single one of mine. Or even a winter day, for the matter of that. So, when you come right down to it, Orddu didn’t take anything from you; why, you’re still yourself and you can’t deny that!”
The Chronicles of Prydain — The Book of Three (1964)
The Chronicles of Prydain — The Black Cauldron (1965)
The Chronicles of Prydain — The Castle of Llyr (1966)
The Chronicles of Prydain — Taran Wanderer (1967)
The Chronicles of Prydain — The High King (1968)
The Foundling and Other Tales of Prydain

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