The Chronicles of Prydain — The Book of Three (1964)

by amypeng

同樣是英文兒童小說,為什麼這本這麼難?我同時混著上一本也是很難讀的從貝魯特到耶路撒冷,花了我超過三個月的時間,看完後面忘前面….,真的比Percy Jackson要難讀多了,裡面有很多畫面,我想像不出來,這樣讀起來好難過ㄚ!

Taran grasped the hilt. The blade would not come free. He pulled with all his strength. The sword moved only a little from its sheath. The Horned King raised his own weapon. As Taran gave a final wrench, the scabbard turned in his hand. A blinding flash split the air in front of him. Lightning seared his arm and he was thrown violently to the ground.前面五句OK,畫面想像的出來,Taran(男主角)抓住劍柄,但是無法將劍從劍鞘中取出,他使勁全身的力氣,也僅能移動一點點,鹿角大王這時提起他的武器,Taran盡力一扭,劍鞘在他手中翻轉?在空中劃出一道炫目閃光?這道光芒焦燒他的手臂,並且猛力的將他摔倒在地。
接下來還有喔~The sword Dyrnwyn, blazing white with flame, leaped from his hand, and fell beyond his reach. The Horned King stood over him. With a cry, Eilonwy sprang at the antlered man. Snarling, the giant tossed her aside.這裏形容的畫面好多~Dyrnwyn是劍的名字,Dyrnwyn燃燒著炙熱的火燄,從他手中跳出,掉落在無法觸及之處,鹿角大王站在他的上方。Eilonwy(女主角)大叫一聲跳到鹿角大王身上?鹿角大王大吼一聲,將Eilonwy甩到旁邊。
再來繼續喔A voice rang out behind the Horned King. Through eyes blurred with pain, Taran glimpsed a tall figure against the trees, and heard a shouted word he could not distinguish.有個聲音從鹿角大王身後發出,Taran從因痛楚而模糊的視線中看到一個靠在樹上的高大身影,並且聽到那個身影發出一個無法辨識的字。
最後兩段…快結束了,鹿角大王快死了,The Horned King stood motionless, his arm upraised. Lightning played about his sword. The giant flamed like a burning tree. The stag horns turned to crimson streaks, the skull mask ran like molten iron. A roar of pain and rage rose from the Antlered King’s throat.鹿角大王無聲的站著,手臂高舉,閃電打到他的劍?巨人像被閃電打到的樹一樣著火,鹿角像紅色閃電般燃燒著,骷髏面具像溶化的鐵一樣流下,鹿角大王喉嚨發出夾雜著痛苦與憤怒的狂吼。
最後一段With a cry, Taran flung an arm across his face. The ground rumbled and seemed to open beneath him. Then there was nothing.Taran尖叫一聲將臉摀上,地上發出隆隆的聲響,他所處的地面似乎是個無盡的開口,然後是一片的漆黑。
The Chronicles of Prydain — The Book of Three (1964)
The Chronicles of Prydain — The Black Cauldron (1965)
The Chronicles of Prydain — The Castle of Llyr (1966)
The Chronicles of Prydain — Taran Wanderer (1967)
The Chronicles of Prydain — The High King (1968)
The Foundling and Other Tales of Prydain

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by amypeng